Wednesday, April 06, 2011

after french class

Yesterday after French class, I went to check out some cherry blossoms.

The weather is supposed to be sunny until Friday, so I wanted to see a new area, Mukogawa which boasts 2000 cherry trees.

I packed a bento before going to class...tamagoyaki (rolled omlette), shimeji with tonkatsu butter sauce, spinach carrot goma-ae, some pari-pari-zuke (a type of pickle), an amaou strawberry & a musubi with yukari (ground salted perilla). I also packed some water.

There were many groups at the park, mostly university students. Luckily there was an empty bench for me to eat my lunch.

From the Hanshin Mukogawa station, I walked to the Hankyu Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi station...5.7 kilometers (3.5 miles).

I was bummed though, there weren't many trees.

At least the weather was nice and "hot". Walking next to the Mukogawa (Muko river), was good because that was cool.

Near the end of my "walk" there was a small field of nanohana (rape blossoms).

It was nice to see all that yellow.

My feet were tired and I was kind of hungry, so I went to Starbucks in the ACTA building and had an earl grey roll with a short dark mocha chip frappuccino.

I liked the flavor of the earl grey roll but think the icing is kind of "fake" tasting.

When I came back, I re-read the article and realized that the 2000 trees are apparently spread out over 7 kilometers along the river! (sigh)

Hope to see more blooms in the coming days.


  1. Your Obento looks delicious!! Cherry trees are so beautiful and I really miss spring in Japan (but not allergy!). Thanks for sharing a piece of my home. :-)

  2. That looks like a really nice place to visit! One of these days...

  3. Thank you Nami. We are lucky we don't have allergies!

    Hope you get to visit during cherry blossoms soon, Rick!

    Take care you two.

  4. Ooooh, the field of nanohana looks so pretty!

  5. One more bento to go please!

  6. Sounds like you had a long walk, but a good day. Hope you get to see more blooms in the coming days. It is my favourite time of year in Japan!!

    Japan Australia

  7. love the yellow Jalna :)

    'kay Nate, but I no deliver, you gonna come pick um up??

    Take care you two.

  8. Thanks J-A, it was definitely a long walk, but a nice one.

    Take care.

  9. 3.5 miles is a good bit of exercise. From what I can see in the pics, looks like perfect picnic weather too.

  10. It was quite warm Rowena, at least it wasn't humid :)

    Take care.

  11. Your bento sounds so delicious...
    Yes I will put in an order as well.
    I remember the bento shops of Tokyo.
    What a delight.
    I hope you get more cherry blossoms soon Kat

  12. ooh yes the bento shops make delicious things Carol :)

    Take care.

  13. Earl Grey roll- sounds interesting! I wish they would sell more tea flavored snacks here in the US!

  14. I hope they sell more tea flavored items in the US too K :)

    Take care.

  15. Sounds like a relaxing afternoon (even with the long walk) and your lunch looks delicious. ;-)

  16. definitely a long walk Deb in hawaii :)

    Take care.

  17. Miss seeing the brilliant yellow of rape fields, but I'm sooo allergic to the pollen -- thanks for sharing so we can enjoy at a safe distance! ; )

  18. Many here are allergic to pollen too Manju, glad you can enjoy virtually :)

    Take care.


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