Tuesday, April 05, 2011

nikumiso ra-yu

This recently caught my eye at the supermarket.

Nikumiso ra-yu. Nikumiso is made by combining pork with miso and other condiments. I've seen it used in musubi or eaten as is.

This particular product is combined with ra-yu (chili oil).

It is similar to gu-iri ra-yu, but with some pork in there.

The weather is still a bit too cold for hiyayakko (cold tofu), but this is delicious.


  1. I have seen similar Szechuan sauce combining chili and pork. This Nikumiso ra-yu sounds really yummy, I wish I could get it here in Germany...!

  2. I hope you can get some in Germany too CG!

    Thanks Jalna, it is ono :)

    Take care you two.

  3. Nikumiso ra-yu sounds really good. We just brought back from Japan Okazu ra-yu which is great to use as a condiment and we use it all the time for gyoza, cha-han, raman and all kinds of Chinese style dishes.

    Japan Australia

  4. I heard about this before. I don't really eat spicy food (more like I can't), but my husband will definitely enjoy this! I like your updates from Japan. It's so fun to read!

  5. Looks like a great way to spice up tofu. ;-)

  6. okazu ra-yu is trending too J-A :)

    aw too bad you can't eat spicy foods Nami, I think your hubby would like this :)

    Definitely a nice way to spice it up Deb in Hawaii :)

    Take care everyone.

  7. Mmmm, cool but spicy, sounds like it would really hit the spot right now!

  8. it was actually quite warm today Manju, this would've been perfect :)

    Take care.

  9. Yum looks tasty!

    My dad is bringing me back a jar of regular "Taberu Ra-yu" later this month, I'm excited to try it :o)

  10. Hi Kat - Any kind of fermented bean paste with Chili Oil sounds great in my book!

  11. Hope you like it K :)

    wondering if this would be hot enough for you Kirk??

    Take care you two.

  12. I just ran out of the raayu I brought over to Austria with me but it wasn't as fancy as yours...My gyoza won't be the same without it T_T

  13. Oh no Sasa, if you can get some of these ingredients, maybe you could try making your own :)

    Take care.


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