Friday, April 29, 2011

made in japan

I have written before about adding grains to my rice when I cook and here.

In the past, some of these grain mixes had grains from other countries.

But at the supermarket I recently found one that is all "Made in Japan".

The word for "made in Japan" is "koku-san", literally "grown/made in this country".

This particular mix has 15 different grains all made in different parts of Japan:

mochikibi (glutenous millet from Iwate), oshimugi (pressed barley from Ehime), kuromai (black rice from Fukushima), akamai (red rice from Fukushima), aomai (green rice from Kumamoto), mochimugi (glutenous barley from Ehime), hatomugi (adlay from Iwate), hatsuga-genmai (germinated brown rice from Yamagata), takakibi (sorghum bicolor from Iwate), marumugi (pearl barley from Ehime), mochihakumai (glutenous white rice from Shiga), mochigenmai (glutenous brown rice from Shiga), mochiawa (glutenous millet from Iwate), hie (japanese millet from Iwate), amaranth (from Iwate)...whew!

I used to measure a tablespoon or two of grains before cooking my rice, but now I just sprinkle some into the unwashed rice and as I wash the rice, I run everything through a really fine sieve, so as not to loose the millet.

Most mixes say to add more water, but I don't because I usually set my rice cooker the night before, so it has lots of time to soak and I like the chewiness and firmness of the rice.

Today is Showa no Hi (Showa Day) It used to be called Tenno Tanjoobi (Emperor Hirohito's Birthday) but after he died, it was then changed to Showa no Hi. It is also the start of Golden Week...have a nice weekend!


  1. I feel healthy just reading the ingredient list. 15 grains!

  2. Planning anything for Golden Week?

  3. The grain mix looks fabulous--especially since they are all from Japan. I love mixes of different grains, it makes rice so much more interesting. ;-)

  4. Thanks Marie :)

    Thanks Rowena, I think I gave you a similar package before but it also had beans in it.

    A little excursion Nate :)

    Thanks Deb in Hawaii, definitely makes rice more interesting :)

    indeed Jalna :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. This looks really healthy and nutritious. It is great to add mixed grains to your rice and your health will thank you for it.

    Hope you enjoy Golden Week. Do you have any special plans?

    Japan Australia

  6. OH NO! I'm so outdated. I didn't know we call Showa no Hi already.... since when? I kind of knew GW is coming up but didn't know it's starting today. No wonder I don't get email from friends (who usually write email from work)!

    Enjoy your GW with Satoshi-san!

  7. we have some things planned J-A :)

    I think they started to call it Showa no Hi maybe 20-something years ago, after the Emperor died Nami :)

    Take care you two.

  8. Cute blog. Mochikibi...I will be in Iwate next week and will try millet sake.

  9. enjoy your trip to Iwate, Tony!

    Take care.


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