Saturday, April 30, 2011


Did you watch the Royal Wedding? We did. I had a bit of a culture shock moment looking at all the hats that the guests wore. I thought some were kind of outrageous and not too nice looking (I want to say ugly)...

Anyway, the double cherry blossoms are in bloom, I heard these are called Yaezakura.

These are more pinkish and fuller than the cherry blossoms that bloomed earlier in the month.

They look like pom-poms.

Most have several clusters on a branch which weighs the branch down a bit.

Still very nice.

Our weather is still cold. Some days we've had sun but most days we've had rain and blustery winds.

The plants on my lanai aren't too happy, the only blooms we had were of two tulips and the cyclamen that blooms without fail every year.

One plant that has been doing well is the cilantro I planted a couple of weeks ago. Can't wait to start using it in salsa or banh mi.

Satoshi's at work today, hope your weekend is going well.


  1. Interesting story about the cyclamen. Good thing Satoshi's mom stopped you guys from giving it to grandma. Woulda been a major faux pas.

  2. Pretty flowers!

    And yes, some of the hats were beyond "artistic", they looked crazy! Haha.

  3. Ahah, I totally agree with you about the hats! There were a few that were quite beautiful, but for the most part...what where they thinking??

    Can't wait to see what you do with all the fresh cilantro! ^_^

  4. so true Jalna :)

    crazy is a good description K :)

    what were they thinking?? so true Kathy :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. Yaezakura is so pretty... I'm glad you are enjoying sakura season. Almost over I guess?

    Recorded the royal wedding and we're going to watch tonight!

  6. yes almost over Nami, in fact today was really humid :( but still kinda cold too, really weird weather.

    Take care.

  7. Hope you are enjoying your Golden Week. The Yaezakura are really pretty and look a lot fuller than the regular cherry blossoms.

    Japan Australia

  8. Thanks J-A, doing fine :)

    Take care.

  9. No I didn't, but I have seen occasions where the brits put on those fancy hats!

    Temps have dropped to around 10°C at night/14°C day and we've been experiencing sporadic rainstorms but so far - knock wood - no hail.

  10. If you got the previous comment then just forget this one. Blogger is being goofy again.

  11. ooh I hope your weather will not get worse Rowena!

    Take care.

  12. Haven't seen the wedding yet but heard a radio story that featured the couple exchanging their vows and teared up -- I'm such a sucker for weddings! ; )

  13. you so cute Manju :)

    Take care.

  14. Love the flower photos. We actually saw the wedding "live". It's such a big deal where we're vacationing.

  15. you're in London Kirk?? wow :)

    Take care.

  16. Hi Kat - No we're not in London..... but it was covered wall to wall where we were at the time as well!

  17. Kat those flowers are beautiful.

  18. hmm I wonder where you are Kirk :) hope you are having fun!

    Thank you Barbara, I love Spring.

    Take care you two.


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