Sunday, July 31, 2011

hawaii re-visits

Yesterday was another errand, so we tried to pick up lunch from one of the places on mom's list...only thing was that they weren't open"plan B", another choice off of mom's list...Hank's Haute Dogs.

I've eaten here in the past and loved it.

Mom ordered the Chicken...a grilled chicken sausage topped with lime mustard and mango relish.

She gave me a bite of this and it was tasty.

For my Dad, who likes things simple...we ordered him the Polish.

A grilled polish sausage topped with grilled onions and grainy mustard.

He liked it though the sausage was a bit koge (burnt).

And I ordered the Chicago...after seeing endless posts by Kirk on this, I had to try one.

Those tiny sport peppers sure have some heat! and I liked the neon green relish and other goodies on top too.

Mom was happy that she got to try this place and I'm glad I got to try a Chicago dog.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Lime mustard sounds interesting. I haven't come across it before, would love to try someday. Maybe if I go to Hawaii!

  2. Mmmmm. . . they all look good!

  3. YES< the lime mustard sounds delish, and anything that has haute in the sentence is for sure going to be tres gourmet. I like wet dogs, but I like my grilled to, man I can't wait to go home and grab a wet dog from the corner... the street vendors need to start stocking more gourmet options I'd say!

  4. I love a good gourmet hot dog and the Polish sounds really good :)

    Japan Australia

  5. Ok I am seriously puzzled by elle's mention of wet dogs. What?!

  6. I hope you get to come to Hawaii soon Marie :)

    Thanks Jalna they were :)

    hope you get a dog soon Elle!

    too bad it was overly burnt J-A!

    Rowena, "wet dog" I've heard Tony Bourdain use, it is a term of the dog sitting in the salty water until sold or something like that.

    Take care everyone!

  7. Hi Kat - Thanks for the mention! Funny thing is, I was just in Chicago! ;o)

  8. What?! No "Fat Boy" this time?!?

  9. that is funny Kirk!

    no fat boy this time Deb in Hawaii ;)

    Take care you two.

  10. I don't like hot dogs generally but I like the ones with a lot of "stuff" on them like these!

  11. you'd like these for sure then, K!

    Take care.


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