Saturday, November 12, 2011

things I'm liking

If you take a look near the left corner of the photo there is a box of sugars.

Belle de Sucre, has an assortment of sugars called Meli-Melo.

I opened this box of sugars and was surprised, it was only held closed by a piece of plastic around the box.

On the inside, the sugar wasn't in a package or anything. Lots of trust in that one piece of plastic...

These are cute and colorful.

Byron Bay's muesli cookie..."crammed with oats, currants, cranberries, apricots, almonds, sunflower seeds & linseeds."

Soft and moist, this cookie is definitely crammed with "stuff"...delicious.

I found a bag of peanuts at the market recently.

In Japanese they are called rakkasei. I was hoping they were raw so that I could make a batch of boiled peanuts, but found out they had already been roasted.

At 200 yen for 300 grams, I thought these were a steal.

What are you enjoying?


  1. Love your features today...that sugar would be wonderful for a coffee or tea party...and I think oatmeal is my favorite cookie, especially when it's fill of delicious add ins. Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. mmm oatmeal cookies love them with chocolate in them Lizzy :) have a great weekend too!

    Take care.

  3. I love cookies with lots of "stuff" also! Have you seen the recipe for Momofuku (in NYC)'s Compost Cookie? I think you'd like it.

  4. The stuff I'm liking aren't anywhere near as cute as your stuff but it is kinda cool: black carrots. Actually I think they're more recognized as purple carrots but they were labled as black ones so I just HAD to buy some. They are sweet if eaten raw but the flavor sorta dulls when it's grated and baked in a muffin.

  5. I think have seen it K, it sounded awesome if I remember correctly!

    ooh I've seen those on some blogs recently Rowena, sounds interesting!

    Take care you two.

  6. Those little sugars are so adorable! ;-)

  7. definitely fun, Deb :)

    Take care.

  8. Are the Byron Bay cookies from Byron Bay in Australia. We visit there a couple of times a year.

  9. I believe so Barbara, they are delicious, I hope you try them.

    Take care.


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