Friday, January 27, 2012

mac n cheese

Satoshi went off on business and it was just me for a couple of days, I usually don't cook when he's away, but for some reason I had mac n cheese on my mind and it had to be a creamy cheesy sauce...sigh! so I decided to make mac n cheese for dinner.

1 package of macaroni (150 grams)

1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1/8 of an onion, minced
1/2 a carrot diced
1/4 red bell pepper, diced
1 large eringi, diced
3 small slices of bacon, diced
1/2 small can of whole corn, rinsed

cheese sauce:
bechamel sauce (minus the salt, scallions & amount of parmesan, and add the amount of cheese that follows) :
3 slices of red cheddar, 2 small triangles of edam and 3 tablespoons of parmesan cheese.

Italian parsley

NOTES: I cooked my pasta 1 minute less than what the package said and drained it after it was cooked.

Then I sauteed the "goodies" in 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil and set it aside. And added the whole corn without heating it.

I then made the cheese sauce using the recipe for bechamel sauce (leaving out the salt, scallions & parmesan because I was adding cheese) and added the above amounts of cheese.

When the cheese was melted, I added the "goodies" and pasta and made sure everything was coated nicely with the cheese sauce.

I threw in a good sized handful of chopped Italian parsley and mixed that in as well.

I loved it! it was cheesy and hit the spot.

It's Friday here, I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Anything with bacon has got to me good!

  2. This looks delicious!

    There's just something about a mac n' cheese craving that hits out of nowhere!

  3. Looks really good and much better than those instant packet Mac n Cheese. It is such a great comfort food :)

    Japan Australia

  4. Cheese anything sounds like it would hit the spot this weekend. We are predicted to have snow on both days! Wheeeeee!

  5. yeah bacon :) Kirk, except Japan's bacon is more like canadian bacon :(

    Thanks K :)

    indeed comfort food, J-A!

    you are so lucky Rowena, all we got is freeze-A winds.

    Take care everyone.

  6. Mmmmmm....cream and cheesy...that's the way mac and cheese should be!

  7. definitely Lizzy :)

    Take care.

  8. Mmm... that does look cheesy and really good! ;-)

  9. I want to make some more Deb :)

    Take care.

  10. OMG this looks so good! I love mac & cheese but have never tried to make it from scratch. I love the use of goodies, especially the bacon!

  11. Thanks CAB! I hope you like it if you try it.

    Take care.


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