Saturday, January 28, 2012

things I'm liking (disliking)

Almost the end of the month, thought I'd do a "things I'm liking" post...

Kinda disliking the tea by is a mixture of green tea, mint and seaweed...yup, seaweed...funky tasting.

My host-sister had given us this...walnut tea from Korea...this was funky also...kind of sludgy, not sweet at all...meh.

I tried these nail seals (the black one) recently which are made by a Korean company. It boasts that it lasts 10 days.

Well, if you wash dishes, it only lasts 2 days. Good part of these seals are that they peel off and you don't have to use any kind of nail polish remover.

Liking the mirror and cotton handkerchief that I got with a fashion magazine. It had the COACH logo, which I've already told you that I love.

Walnut an pan...a walnut bread filled with sweet bean paste....yum!

Just when you thought you'd seen it all with condiments for rice...along came miso-pi (me-sew-pee) pi is short for peanut.

Raw peanuts are sauteed in a miso (soy bean paste) and sugary paste. It kind of reminded me of a caramel leaning more towards savory.

On hot rice, it is really good!

The karaage chicken from the Chinese department at Daiei.

This area has cooks from China, and their food is tasty.

I love this karaage chicken, the skin is fried light and crispy and the meat is so moist and tender.

The chocolate caramel spread we brought back from France, it was nice on hot scones but even nicer on a nicely toasted baguette.

What have you been enjoying?


  1. I'm going to mix some peanut butter with the red miso that I have in the fridge and slather it over should come out very tasty.

  2. ooh I can't wait to see that chicken, Rowena :)

    Take care.

  3. You have such interesting products to share! The walnut bread intrigues me the looks so yummy! Have a great weekend, Kat.

  4. Ooh that Karaage looks so good and crispy! I've been enjoying the early production of Hot Cross Buns and it is only January. The dark chocolate premium version is sooo good :)

    Japan Australia

  5. I wish we were neighbors Lizzy then I would share :)

    ooh hot cross buns J-A, lucky you.

    Take care you two.

  6. Bummer on the teas--but everything else looks good. ;-)

  7. The karaage looks so good, also that peanut based sauce sounds delicious with rice!

  8. I was surprised at how good that miso-pi was K :)

    Take care.


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