Friday, June 01, 2012

eating the rainbow

It's June, it's the start of summer in my mind, even if mother nature can't make up her mind...and what better way to start summer than with foods from Okinawa.

I made carrot shirishiri with a touch of Ishigaki-jima ra-yu, a famous chili oil from the island of Ishigaki in Okinawa.

I received the oil from Hiromi the other day. (Thank you!)

This time around, instead of using an egg, I tried Dennis' idea and put some tofu in. (40 grams of tofu, 1/2 teaspoon chili oil, 1 grated carrot) I think I like his version better.

Ninjin shirishiri...Kinoko & Konnyaku (mushrooms & devil's tongue jelly)...Rice (1/2 brown 1/2 white)...Broccoli with red & orange bell pepper...Mozuku (brown seaweed with a kurozu (black vinegar) sauce)...goya champuru (tofu, bittermelon, vienna sausage)

It's Friday here, hope you have a great weekend!


  1. What a delicious meal! I've never been to Okinawa before. My family did a family trip there without me (I was in the states) and now it is too far for me to visit. But then I found out that it's closer to visit from Taiwan (especially when I go see my inlaws!). I want to get this famous la-yu!!

  2. I hope you get a chance to visit Okinawa Nami :)

    Take care.

  3. Hi Kat! Glad you liked it. Was just the way our family happened to make it. I remember my sister using a fair amount of oil though, so don't know how healthy it was, ha. Ok, now I have to make this coming weekend. It would definitely be 25+ years or more since my last! Cheers

  4. cool that THAT was how your family made the shirishiri, Dennis :)

    Take care.

  5. Very nice assortment of veggies (and you should know that I am eyeing that goya!)

  6. Rowena, that goya happened NOT to be on sale and was 198 yen :(

    Take care.


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