Tuesday, December 04, 2012

on the lanai

The beets and swiss chard are doing pretty good on the lanai.

The cilantro and the italian parsley too.

The temps have really dropped so I cover these plants with a plastic sheet during the evenings and early mornings.

I hope I'll have beet "orbs" this time around.

What are you growing in your garden or on your lanai?


  1. My sister just planted some parsley roots (like we do with green onions) and she said they died. How did you grow yours?

  2. from seed Jalna, I've tried from just the roots but it never took.

    Take care.

  3. Wow! I love your chard. Our temps are down to 0-3°C so it's pretty much over for gardening since everything is just too exposed on the terrace. In fact it's snowing right now.

  4. the chard is the biggest so far, Rowena, I think it is because I didn't crowd it in the pot this time, I think we may be getting flurries soon...

    Take care and stay warm!

  5. I hope your garden continues to grow nicely!


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