Monday, December 03, 2012

saying goodbye

I first wrote about my yutanpo here, 5 years ago...

I had to bid it "goodbye" recently as rust had eaten a hole in it and the boiling water was seen dripping out.

Thank goodness I didn't get scalded by the dripping water and "thank you" for keeping me warm all these years.


  1. I suppose that's about the right amount of time for something like that to last, but what happens to it now? Are those recyclable? And will you get another one?

    ps. I gotta say that the new double word/number confirmation thing is difficult to read.

  2. I am putting it out for them to recycle, I plan to get another one, Rowena, but dunno if I can find a metal one...I know that "word verification" thingy is a p.i.t.a. but I was getting bombarded by those spammers :(

    Take care.

  3. I get choke spam comments too Kat. I can imagine how much more you get.

  4. I decided to try taking off the word verification, Jalna, see how it goes...

    Take care.

  5. Regarding the spam, blogger is weird! I get tons too but they all go in the spam box. Sometimes I'll get an email notification (and I can tell that it's already spam since it's from anonymous) but when I check the blog, the comment is not there but in the spam box instead. The funny thing is that I don't even have word verification on mine.

  6. I don't see why they can't change it back to the old version, Rowena, it was WAAAY easier on the eyes.

    Take care.

  7. Oh, it's too bad you have to say goodbye to this one, are you going to get a new one?

  8. I'm planning to replace this one, K!

    Take care.


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