Friday, January 25, 2013

coconut sablé ice cream sandwich

The other day while Satoshi and I were at the grocery store, we noticed these coconut sablé ice cream sandwiches in their freezer section.

Since I had bought a package of coconut sablés a couple of days prior, we just bought a 120 mililiter mini cup of Haagen Dazs vanilla ice cream.

By the way, the sablés I bought were the same type used in the ice cream sandwiches we saw.

Place 4 cookies on a plate, divide the ice cream between them then cover them with 4 more cookies.

Delicious. The sablés are crisp and coconutty, matching perfectly with the vanilla ice cream.

It's Friday here, hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Love ice cream sandwiches! And homemade ones even better :)

  2. Such an exotic sounding treat to find at the grocery store....WAY better than those dumb artificial-tasting banana pops (that I ultimately threw away in the end).

  3. I remember you posting about those, Rowena, very bad :0

    Take care.


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