Sunday, March 03, 2013

happy girl's day

Thought I'd share some of the Girl's Day decorations I have collected over the years.

When I was in Hawaii last summer, I brought them back to Japan with me.

If you're interested in knowing more about Hinamatsuri, I've written about it in detail here.

Hope you have a nice Girl's Day.

p.s. the anonymous spam was getting kinda ridiculous, so I'm sorry but I have to stop allowing anonymous comments.


  1. hope you had a nice day too, K!

    Take care.

  2. So cute. I especially like the one in the upper right. Happy (belated) Girl's Day Kat! ;-)

  3. By now you would think that blogger would have a kickbutt spam buster in place, but apparently it's not a priority for google.

    Happy belated Girl's Day (mine was nice since I didn't have to cook).

  4. hope you had a nice day Deb!

    ooh lucky, Rowena!

    Take care you two.


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