Saturday, March 09, 2013

things I'm liking (disliking)

Random things I'm liking and disliking....starting with disliking.

While this ginger ale made by Nose (no-say) Shuzo, a local brewery, is made with natural spring water from Nose, there is no indication of "fresh" ginger in here, just!

I'm liking that most convenience stores have started serving freshly brewed coffee. Before, you could only buy brewed coffee in cans or in pre-packaged plastic cups.

The price is nice on the pocket too by being a little cheaper than those big chain types.

Kinda in the middle about these chocolates by ION, a Greek chocolate.

The milk chocolate is too sickly sweet and there isn't enough whole almonds (bottom of photo). Though I do like the hazelnut cream in between of the wafers (top of the photo).

This umeshu (apricot liqueur) that I received from Hiromi, was delicious. (Thank you!)

We enjoyed it several times, pouring a little of it into a cup and diluting it with some soda water.

And I am really liking these cute glass yogurt pots.

They are made in Japan and each holds about 90 mililiters. They also have a plastic cover which I didn't take a photo of. I put some fruit, yogurt and topped everything off with a little homemade granola. With picnic season coming soon, I can't wait to bring these along.

What are you enjoying these days?


  1. Ooooh, I like your yogurt pots. So pretty how you layered your treat.

  2. Genki, cute, yeah?!

    Thanks Jalna :)

    Take care you two.

  3. Nice looking yogurt pots Kat. I'm thinking you could use them for all kinds of things.

  4. I love these spoons too, Shirley :)

    Thanks Kirk, I'm sure you are right about using them for other things :)

    Take care you two.

  5. Definitely wanting those little yogurt pots--so cute! ;-)

  6. I'm with everybody else on the yogurt pots - too cute!

  7. Thanks Deb :)

    I'm glad everyone likes them too Rowena :)

    Take care you two.

  8. Aw the yogurt pots are super cute!

  9. totally loving them, K!

    Take care.


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