Monday, June 02, 2014

good neighbors' fine foods

I am not too sure how I found out about Big Spoon Roasters, but I was happy to find them being sold online by Good Neighbors' Fine Foods in Tokyo.

I bought the Chai Spice Nut Butter. They also sell June Taylors preserves, so I bought a jar of her Seville Orange Marmalade.

If you like Chai, you will enjoy this nut butter.

Nice balance of spices and just a tad sweet.

The marmalade is really dark and thick, and there is so much fruit in it!

Both are made in the USA but I didn't think I could find them in Hawaii, so I am glad I was able to find them here.

What are you enjoying these days?


  1. Lots of beer Kat...lots and lots of beer! ;o)

  2. Great finds, and that you could do some retail therapy! Picked up a few things on the trip and will do a write up soon!

  3. can't wait to hear about your adventure, Rowena :)

    Take care!


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