Tuesday, September 02, 2014

this and that

While Satoshi visited for the week, I was able to take him to his favorite place to gaze at Honolulu from Puu Ualakaa Park.

And then there were some things that were eaten but not posted about...Lee's custard pie. (eaten the week before Satoshi's visit)

Ted's chocolate haupia pie on our last night in Hawaii.

Homemade sweet potato haupia pie made by Aunty M1 one Sunday.

Kam Bakery's malasada & poi glazed from their new location at City Square.

Aunty M was so impressed with Liliha Bakery's loco moco that she wanted to bring Satoshi here. (Thanks Aunty!)

Did you know that the loco moco Aunty M had back in July was the very first in her life?!

I had their teri beef sandwich but it was hard.as.rock.

Shoyu Pork Andagi at Off the Wall with family friend, D and another friend, B.

On the day we left for Japan, my brother treated us to breakfast at Rocky's in Waipahu.

Satoshi had their portuguese sausage, eggs and rice.

I had their banana short stack. Yum! (Thanks bro!)

Instead of paying an outrageous price for lunch at the airport, we bought some spam musubi from Tanioka's to eat while we waited for our flights.

Satoshi went home on Hawaiian while I flew JAL.

The food on JAL has really gone downhill...but I still give them props for serving us Tropilicious ice cream (Lilikoi Dreamsicle) and BIC cookies. This time the ice cream was just the right and not hard.as.rock.

On the flight home I watched 3 movies, "Chef" (super foodie, with some teary moments), "The Fault In Our Stars" (super teary) and "Populaire" (French comedy).

During that week there were tons more food and more outings with friends and family, including a revisit to Via Gelato, lunch at Fresh Catch, pupus at Chez Kenzo, dinner at Bravo and coffee at Anna Miller's.

We didn't get out to Haleiwa (another favorite spot of Satoshi's), but I still hope he enjoyed his visit to Hawaii.

Whew that was a long post, hope I didn't bore anyone...

Now we can all go on a diet...

p.s. TSA opened one of my suitcases but it looked like everything was put back nicely...after they opened it they were probably too scared to touch anything with the way I "layered" everything in there...


  1. Has Satoshi lost weight? He looks pretty young in that photo!

  2. he says he's lost some weight Rona :)

    Take care!

  3. It's a shame that you guys couldn't stay a little bit longer, but I bet you're happy to be back home in Japan. Finish cleaning house yet?

  4. Puu Ualakaa is my favorite view of HNL as well Kat. Satoshi does seem to have found the fountain of youth!

  5. never even start cleaning yet Rowena. I gotta find where he put away stuff too, he no remember....

    I think it is his walking adventures and only eating yogurt for breakfast, Kirk :p

    Take care you two!

  6. I'm glad you both (and your suitcase) returned safely!

  7. I love that Satoshi is wearing a Red Sox shirt! My husband is from Boston and we live nearby. :)

  8. Thanks Steph, he also has a Mariners and Yankees shirt too :)

    Take care.


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