Tuesday, July 21, 2015


There is a character by San-X called Rilakkuma. If I'm not mistaken his name comes by combining "relax" with "kuma" (bear).

From July 18 until August 31, Rilakkuma has teamed up with Hankyu trains and has trains running on the Hankyu lines to Kyoto, Kobe and Takarazuka.

The times that the trains are running are not advertised, so you need to be in the right place at the right time, I guess.

We were lucky to come across the one running to Takarazuka and jumped on board. The advertisements inside the train car are all illustrations of Rilakkuma.

The sign at the very front and back of the train are illustrated with Rilakkuma as well. Takarazuka's color is pink, Kyoto is green and Kobe is blue.

Only in Japan are they able to make trains look so kawaii (cute)!


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