Monday, July 20, 2015

umi no hi

So, goya is on its last leg. With the combination of a/c and little sun, the leaves seem to have dried! Since the building facelift guys have the day off today, I'm leaving it outside in hopes that it'll revive...

Today is Umi no Hi (literally Ocean Day). I've written about this holiday before here. This photo was taken back in 2003 (pre-blog) on a trip to Okinawa. I think this was near Manzamo. On this particular trip we met up with my long-lost relatives which I wrote a little about here.

We're literally melting over here but I hope you have a great week!


  1. Long time Kat! I'm finally reversing my black thumb, my basil and myoga plants are finally thriving. Would love to eventually try goya. Hope you're dong well.

  2. Oh no....poor little goya. I hope it recovers!

  3. At first I read "ume no hi" and was surprised that Japan celebrated the "ume". LOL.

  4. Dennis!! Hope you've been well :) gosh, I wish we were neighbors, there was a time when I needed some basil and couldn't find any at the markets :) Hope the rest of your plants fare well.

    me too Kirk :(

    lol Jalna

    Take care everyone!

  5. I hope the goya recuperates although it really does look lik it's suffering - poverina! it's boiling hot miserably unbearable temps here as well and is forecasted to be that way til who knows when.

    Now I go to stick my head in the freezer....

  6. I'll join you in the freezer, Rowena:)

    Take care!


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