Thursday, July 09, 2015

yogurt dressing

The weather has been pretty nasty. Humidity paired with drizzles.

I guess we should be thankful that we haven't had massive downpours like Kyushu, but still, I hope rainy season will end soon.

Since it's been dreary, and grossly humid, all mojo to "cook" has almost been depleted, so I've been making salads for our dinners. We also usually have edamame and another dish like hiyayakko (cold tofu) usually topped with okra.

I'm gonna side track a bit and tell you about the other day at the market.

There was a gyoza marketer, so of course Satoshi was there tasting...

After listening to her pitch, we got a package of their original gyoza, 20 for 1000 yen (plus tax).

When we got home, I repacked them into 5 pieces each and froze them.

Then last night, I cooked some of the gyoza.

I had seen on a tv show that instead of cooking the gyoza in oil first to brown the bottoms, you put a little water in the frying pan and "boil" and "steam" them for a bit then when the water evaporates, you add a little oil to brown the bottoms.

The result is the "skins" of the gyoza become chewy and the bottoms, very crisp. I'm gonna cook gyoza this way from now on.

Back to the dressing...super easy to put together and I like that this doesn't use mayo.

Yogurt Dressing from "Everyday Salads" by Masaki Higuchi

50 grams greek yogurt (or yogurt that has been strained of most of the water on a paper towel or cheesecloth)
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons condensed milk
1 teaspoon lemon juice
salt (to taste)

Whisk everything together

NOTES: this dressing isn't overly sweet. I used the dressing with some thinly sliced purple cabbage, purple onion and purple carrot. The author also notes that this dressing could be used for a fruit salad. I'm making this again.

How's your summer going?


  1. we had our humid moments for the past week...geez, and i thought i was gonna get away with cooler temps at our altitude - NOT!

    Now it's not so bad (down to 27°C vs. 33°) but that could change throughout the rest of the month - i hope so, because i can't concentrate with too much heat, much less have an appetite.

  2. Hey Kat - That's the way we make potstickers. When you get good, you can also add some cornstarch in the bottom and all the potstickers will come out attached together. Also, have you tried using Labneh for dressing? It's really good.

  3. My coworker gave me some longanisa sausages awhile back and recommended that I cook them like you did with the gyoza, except that no need add the oil at the end because the oil comes from the sausage. It was really ono done like that.

  4. Thatnks for sharing the gyoza tip, I'll have to try it next time!

  5. Kat: I worked as a demonstrator for a Taiwan gyoza maker...forget their name, huge corp. They were intro'ing their gyoza to the Hawaii market. They taught me to make the gyoza, depending on the size, you can use a pot (small portion) or skillet (big portion). Ideal cover is a glass one. Line the frozen gyoza all the same way in the pot. Don't crowd it all in though. Then add about 5-7 tblspoons of water (or so) and about 3-4 tablespoons of oil in pot. Cook on med. high heat. Turn off when you hear the sizzling of the oil. As you surmised, the water steams the top of the gyo. then as it burns off the oil cooks the bottom of the gyo. getting that crisp/soft consistency. No need to add oil at the end cuz it's all in there. It makes the perfect gyoza...and I think by the time you hear the sizzling of the oil it's been burnt off. The water just covers the bottom of the gyo. it's not swimming in water btw so use the right size pot.

  6. Rowena, hope it gets a little cooler for you guys! we have so much humidity right now, I don't know what to wear and have been sitting in the room with a/c on.

    Glad to hear this is the authentic way to cook them, Kirk :) I've heard of labneh but have not seen it here...yet :)

    ooh that sounds so good, Jalna!

    hope it works for you K!

    Thanks Anon, will try it this way too :)

    Take care everyone!


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