Tuesday, October 27, 2015

throw together dinner

Sometimes I get into a rut as to what to make for dinner.

Usually when I feel like this, then "laziness" also follows...

Not really knowing what I wanted to eat, I decided to use a can of sardines and bake something off in the oven.

I sautéed some spinach, red bell pepper and onion.

Then I mixed some diced tomato sauce with some garlic and anchovy.

I cooked a little amount of quinoa.

And then I put everything into a baking dish and topped it off with some panko, parmesan and a little pepper.

Then I baked everything for about 5 minutes then under the broiler for another 5.

Relatively fast, easy and definitely delicious.

What did you have for dinner?


  1. Looks great Kat.......I've been making Kelaguen a couple of times a week....waiting for the Missus to get tired of the stuff.

  2. had to look up what Kelaguen was, Kirk :)

    thanks K!

    Take care you two.


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