Tuesday, March 01, 2016

lilac spoon

This past Sunday, while we were hanging out at the Itami airport, I noticed this unusual flower.

While searching on the internet for what it was called, I punched in "blue middle and curled petals" and voilĂ  (love technology!)

It's called "Lilac Spoon" and is part of the daisy family.

Cool, yeah?!

It's the start of March today...whoo!

Can I back up a bit and tell you about February 29 though?!

In the morning, it started to rain, then there was thunder...a little hail and a major downpour (all within a couple of minutes).


Luckily, by the time Satoshi had to leave for work, it was just drizzling.

Hope your week is going well.


  1. would love to add that to the garden!

  2. So pretty! And true about technology. What did we do before? Just not know yah.

  3. there is another variety called white spoon (if I remember correctly), Rowena, I hope you can find it in the Chestnut forest :)

    encyclopedias probably Jalna...

    Take care you two.

  4. love the color Kirk :)

    Take care.


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