Wednesday, March 02, 2016


A couple of weeks ago, my Instagram friend, Andi, asked if I would be interested in participating in her Traveler Tuesday series.

I said I would and she emailed me her questions.

After answering them the best that I could, I realized that I have not traveled internationally as much as many others in her series.

So, if you are interested in reading my answers to her questions as well as seeing what I look like (as I've never posted a photo of myself on this blog!)

Go check out her blog...

Thanks Andi for the opportunity to participate, it was fun.


  1. Loved your photo! So cute you guys. And this made me laugh: “No Touch Monkey” by Ayun Halliday. Not sure what it's about (gonna look it up right after this), but Les will tell you . . . I'm scared of monkeys.

  2. yikes! I had to google Trip to Italy as I had never heard of it. would love to see a post on your travel list!

  3. I love that you won't travel without your husband! Great idea about the bubble wrap!

  4. Wow Kat literally hajimemashite. You look so YOUNG and slender!! With all the foodie pixs how do you keep so slim? Well it's just great seeing you after following your blog for a while. N

  5. the title and the book was fun Jalna :)

    will work on a post of our list, Rowena :)

    arigato LJ!

    comes in handy alibaba37!

    hajimemashite N! am not slender (would love to lose some weight) but thank you :)

    Take care everyone!


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