Wednesday, March 16, 2016

meh and yum

Today's lunch at Ichirin Coffee was meh...1350 yen (tax included) for this sad looking, overly salty pasta.

They don't even give you some bread with your dish...Am not going back...ever.

Ending this post with a yum...

Yesterday's savory french toast stuffed with smoked chicken and 3 kinds of cheese (cheddar, emmental & parmesan) at Afternoon Tea.

Besides the french toast, it came with a small salad and a cup of minestrone...1300 yen (tax included)

There was also some blueberry sauce (not sweet) to drizzle.

This was so good! especially the burnt cheese bits.

The weather is still flip flopping, though they are forecasting the cherry blossoms to start blooming in Osaka around March 25.

How's your week going?


  1. it doesn't happen often, but when we do go to a reputable place that serves salty pasta, we get mad! I would rather have them serve it undersalted (and offer a salt shaker at the table), than to watch my blood pressure reading go up.

  2. Almost same price, but boy what a difference!

  3. Rowena, it was weird because they had salt on the table but no pepper or cheese...

    Jalna, I realized I got overcharged :(

    Take care you two.

  4. Man, that pasta was a fail......meanwhile that French Toast would probably mean nap time for me! ;o)

  5. That 2nd dish looks great!

    Is this Afternoon Tea the same as the store? I always love the things they sell there!

  6. fail indeed Kirk :(

    yes K the same one, they also have cafes around Japan, you should go if you already haven't!

    Take care you two.


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