Tuesday, March 15, 2016

paris in your mailbox

Are you a Francophile?

Do you know someone that is?

You might consider getting them (or yourself) a subscription from Paris Breakfast on Etsy.

Carol Gillott, the watercolor artist behind all the beautiful artwork has several categories on her Etsy such as "Paris Mail", which you can subscribe to receive a Parisien-themed print every month.

"Paris Maps" is another category.

With your subscription to the maps, you will also receive "A tip sheet of shop/bistro business cards (carte de magazine). Plus BEST BUYS suggestions, where and what to eat. Paris cards will be included if available."

All items are color photocopies of her original works.

In the past, I've received her "Paris Mail" and recently she sent me her "Paris Maps".

I love them!

I've hung most of them on my wall to daydream of Paris.

Thank you Carol!

Disclaimer: I received the maps from Carol in return for an honest product review. I was not compensated for this and the thoughts and opinions written here are my own.


  1. THANK YOU Kat!
    What a Lovely post :))
    I'm happy to help you dream of Paris.
    I Love living here.

  2. Carol and her art are definitely inspiring. I always get the macaron munchies while looking at her pictures which gets me thinking of all those fabulous delights that can be found in Paris patisseries.

    Do you remember eating your first macaron? I had mine in a movie theater in Paris. It was a big one and broke and half fell to the floor at the first bite. Oops! Still, what remained WAS delicious and gave me an excuse to go back and try the smaller ones. :)

  3. very welcome, PB!

    I think it was 2005 or 2006 when I started this blog TK :)

    indeed K & Jalna :)

    Take care everyone!


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