Monday, March 28, 2016

sakura walks

It's that time of year to take my walks around our area to check out the sakura (cherry blossoms).

Yesterday, it was quite overcast as I was walking to the market.

Most trees have their blossoms up high, but these just happened to be at "my eye level".

As I walked back from the market, I went to check out a weeping cherry...I think it was about 50% in bloom.

Today, I stopped at Suigetsu Park, but there weren't many trees in bloom yet. So I went "next door" to Sonpachiyakujin, and they had a weeping cherry almost in full bloom.

After lunch, I got to face time with family (love technology!) it's Easter for them and my brother is also celebrating his birthday.

The temps are supposed to pick up this week and the cherry blossoms should be in full bloom by the weekend.

Hope you have a nice week.


  1. Looks like a pretty start to the full peak bloom!

  2. So pretty! Enjoy them while you can!

  3. Thanks Jalna :)

    indeed K!

    will do Julie :)

    Take care everyone.

  4. I'm gonna check out a weeping cherry tree at the nursery this weekend. I'd like to grow one in a large planter.

  5. I hope you can find one, Rowena!

    Take care.

  6. Love the photos Kat! So pretty.


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