Monday, August 22, 2016

café quarirengue

Most times when we go to Kyoto, we visit MIL, so we don't do much holo-holo (galavanting).

I've had Café Quarirengue bookmarked for awhile now, so it was nice that we could check it out this past Saturday.

I ordered their coffee jelly parfait...vanilla ice cream, topped with cornflakes, some candied walnuts and coffee gelatin...delicious!

Satoshi ordered their matcha cake with a coffee...the cake was dense like good!

The ceramics that they served everything in were so pretty.

Even though the heat and humidity was pretty miserable, I'm glad we got to check this place out.

I'll be back!

Café Quarirengue
74-4 Yanagihachimancho
Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Closed Fridays
Hours: 11:30-18:00


  1. I hope the heat won't last too much longer -- over here it's starting to cool a bit.

  2. Man, my eyes are getting bad Kat....I initially read the title as being Café Quarantine..... ;o)

  3. the heat usually goes until end of September these days, Rowena, so we still have a ways to go...I'm glad you guys are getting cooler temps!

    lol Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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