Friday, August 19, 2016

ice maker

It's still blazing over here, so let's talk about ice.

Last month when I was in Hawaii, Aunty M's ice maker went kaput.

She mentioned that someone would need to come and fix it.

Also awhile back, BFF, W mentioned if she wanted her refridge to make ice, she would need to install a waterline...

Apparently most U.S. refrigerators with ice makers need to be near a waterline, like near the sink.

In Japan though, our ice making refrigerators can be placed anywhere there is a plug, because we have a cartridge that we fill with water.

We put this cartridge directly into our refridge.

The water is sucked out and brought down to the ice making area of the freezer.

"Cool", yeah?!


  1. That's great Kat....I gotta find something like that here.

  2. Looks good but it would mean remembering to fill it up or no ice.

  3. hope you can find one Kirk :)

    Thanks Jalna :)

    true though we only use ice during the summer, Bluang3lbby :)

    Take care everyone!


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