Thursday, December 22, 2016

strawberry jalapeno corn muffins

It's been awhile since I made dark beer chili and jalapeno corn muffins.

Over the summer, my brother had given me a jar of strawberry jalapeno jam and I was wondering how to use it...

Since the jalapeno corn muffins call for a dollop of jalapeno jam in each muffin, I tried using the strawberry version I had since I noticed that a couple of recipes for jalapeno jam includes sugar...

It was good.

A little sweet from the fruit but with a little kick from the jalapeno.

I'm glad I tried this.


  1. love the idea of strawberry jalapeno jam in corn muffins, oooh...with cream cheese on a split half just out of the oven.

  2. ooh I think I froze a couple Rowena, will have to try with cream cheese...

    Take care.


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