Monday, December 19, 2016

when life throws you curves

At the end of November, my Dad had severe pneumonia AND some kind of infection.

His breathing was kind of shallow and when I face-timed with my brother (love technology!), he wasn't sure "which way" things would go.

One thing I learned when my mom was sick was that we should "hope for the best and also prepare for the worst".

So last week, with Satoshi's understanding, I was able to fly to Hawaii.

I am relieved that my Dad was moved from the hospital into a skilled nursing facility yesterday.

And I hope that he will continue to get stronger, maybe even get some of his mobility back.

I appreciate all of your emails and concerns.

I am flying out today, be well everyone.


  1. I'm happy to hear your Dad is getting better. Take care.

  2. I know how tough it can be when there's a loved one overseas that is in need -- hope your dad gets better soon.

  3. Best wishes for your dad's recovery. It's tough when your parents start aging.

  4. Good to hear Kat! Merry Christmas! Mich

  5. I'm relieved, Kat. Take care . . . safe journey back.

  6. Glad to hear your Dad is on the mend. I'm sure it makes for a stressful flight there, not knowing how things will go. I hope your flight back went well. Continued prayers for your Daddy and family.

  7. Glad to hear your dad is getting better !

  8. Thank you Teri, Rowena, Kirk, Jalna, Mich & alibaba37:)

    Take care everyone!

  9. I'm glad to hear your dad is getting better and being taken care of!


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