Tuesday, March 07, 2017

frozen konnyaku

Awhile back I posted about using konnyaku in my cooking...here.

In that post, I mentioned that by freezing konnyaku, it is supposed to have the texture of meat.

Well, I tried freezing some.

Doesn't it look like meatballs?!

Well, I cooked it in the shogayaki sauce I posted about recently.

NOTES: Funky texture...like eating gristle...maybe if you use sliced konnyaku it would be more "meat-like".

It was an interesting experiment though.

Might give frozen sliced konnyaku a try...maybe.


  1. I got excited by your headline, thinking that there might be a way to improve konnyaku, I'm sorry to learn that the freezer wasn't a magical solution. :(

  2. sliced thin maybe? they do pass for meatballs though!

  3. if I find some bravery or if I find the konnyaku that is already frozen, I may try again LJ!

    kind of like suji Kirk, but rubbery...hard to describe :( sorry!

    I just may have to try this experiment again Rowena...

    Thanks Jalna :)

    Take care everyone!


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