Monday, March 06, 2017

mikan rice

Interested in recreating the mikan onigiri that we tried in Matsuyama, I looked online to see if there was a recipe online.

There were many...

I chose one that would be simple and that probably everyone could replicate too.

This one is adapted from the one on the Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries site...

Makes 1/2 cup of rice

1/2 cup rice, washed
1/2 cup mikan juice, fresh squeezed or your fave
about 1 teaspoon of mikan peel, diced

Put everything into the rice cooker, let everything sit for about 30 minutes then cook.

NOTES: super easy and the mikan flavor isn't too overpowering.

The first couple of tries I had put in some maitake in, but feel it turned the rice a brownish color.

I served this with chicken, but you can serve with your favorite main dish.

If you up the amount of rice & juice, keep the peel to the 1 teaspoon.

I think this would look nice in bento for Spring/Winter.

I'm making this again.


  1. I second Jalna's comment--pretty color came to mind immediately.

  2. Interesting version of this....I'm wondering what I can get equivalent to this type tangerine/mandarin here.

  3. Thanks Jalna & Rowena, it is pretty tasty too :)

    if you can find sweet tangerines, I would use that Kirk, also if they are organic you can use the skins...

    Take care everyone!


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