Sunday, October 01, 2017


The weather dude taught me something new the other day..."If you see a lot of kamemushi (stink bugs), the coming winter will have lots of snow".

I'm kinda excited to see just how much snow we'll get this winter...(sorry if you have to shovel where you live).

(Use your fingers to zoom in on the photo, OR don't if you don't want to see THAT many stink bugs in one place)

Happy October!


  1. well that is interesting to hear! I guess we won't have a lot of snow this season - we got stink bugs but not more than the usual.

  2. Noooo, I don't like that prediction, we've had a ton of them!

  3. whoo Rowena :)

    oh no LJ!

    Take care you two.

  4. I'm looking forward to the follow-up (snow, not bugs) post to this one Kat! ;o)

  5. I liked you on Facebook.


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