Thursday, January 04, 2018

the past couple of days

Satoshi went back to work today, so I have some time to post.

On New Years Eve day, we had toshikoshi soba for lunch.

Although we had more soba than soup...

Then for New Years Eve dinner we had all sorts of nibbles.

New Years Day morning.. we had ozoni with mochi in it, some sekihan (reddish rice with azuki beans), and o-toso (which is just a little sip of sake to ward off illnesses and to start the new year).

We went to several of the shrines that we normally do for Hatsumode (first prayers of the New Year).

While standing in line to get to the prayer area of a shrine, we saw this huge tai (sea bream), just hanging in front of an izakaya (Japanese pub).

Huge, yeah?!

I was surprised no cats had attacked it...

Dinner was o-sechi, the foods that are normally eaten during this holiday...I've written about this previously,here.

I'm super thankful for pre-made stuff and not having to do these foods from scratch.

On the 2nd, we braved the crowds of the department store to pick up some bento.

Luckily, we knew what we wanted to get, so we were in and out of there rather was super nuts!

We brought the bento and went to visit MIL.

This year is the Year of the Dog.

I noticed this origami dog on MIL's calendar, so we cut it out and folded it into the dog.

We saw the Super Moon as we walked home from the train station.

And then last night, we were craving some meat, so we had some steak with mango chutney and other nibbles.

With all the eating I did, I definitely need to get some walking in...

Hopefully you all had a great holiday season.


  1. Nice start to the New Year!!

  2. I miss toshikoshi soba. When my grandma was alive, everyone would wind up at her house at midnight to eat soba. The family tried to continue the tradition after she passed but eventually gave up. I'm also too wasted to even stay up until midnight. I just put my noise canceling earphones on and go to sleep. I always think about making soba but never gets past that. :(

    Just drooling looking at all your feasts! My immediate family never ate ozoni on new years day but we always had grilled or fried mochi with either shoyu-sugar or kinako. This year, one of my friends reminded me of fried mochi with shoyu-sugar and wrapped in nori. OMG!!!! I'm ashamed to tell you how many I've eaten since Saturday, including 2 at 9PM last night! Grrrr.

    I also love kazunoko, preferably the kobukazunoko and kuromame. I tried making the kuromame several times but never came out like my aunt's or MIL so gave up and just hope someone give me some.


  3. Thanks Jalna!

    V, we always eat toshikoshi soba for lunch, most times by midnight we are As for ozoni, I cheat with the instant o-suimono packets, I heat up the daikon, carrot and mochi then ladle it over the instant soup :) My mom used to love eating mochi with sweet bean inside fried in butter...I never tried it but am pretty sure it is good! My mom used to go to buy her kuromame and chestnut from a warehouse near Dillingham (Nishimoto Trading?!), and she would simmer it for hours on the stove...miss her cooking!

    Take care you two!

  4. Shimaya Shoten! Near the Palama Canal by Dillingham. And that mochi fried in butter, my mom would use the kazami (?) mochi that was dried out and hard. She would soak it in water until it softened then fry it it butter and drizzle shoyu and sugar. Arrrrgh I want some now!
    My in laws make a very simple ozoni that is really good. Just mochi, hokigai, mizuna, button mushrooms and small clams with I think only the juice from the canned clams and mushrooms with some water. They are Iwakuni-ken so I wonder if that is their culture or just them.

  5. Great start to the New Year Kat. I did have my New Year soba.....just something simple.

  6. so many great things in this post, I don't know where to start but I was like, COOL! when I saw the origami dog calendar cut-out -- that is just awesome!

    MotH went back to work I can kick back a little :P

  7. oh em gee V that's the place! and my mom would make her ozoni with the hokkigai too and sometimes splurge for the abalone!

    Hope you are feeling better Kirk!

    that origami dog was a super nice find, Rowena :) if I find a tutorial online, will post it

    Take care everyone!


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