Saturday, November 17, 2018

sky berry

We recently tried a variety of strawberry called Sky Berry from Tochigi Prefecture.

It is very early in the season and these were not too sweet.

The berries were of good size.

Hopefully I'll be able to find sweeter berries in the coming weeks.


  1. Many years ago we went strawberry picking in Japan, I don't remember the area, but they were so good. I don't like strawberries because of the pits around it, but the Japan strawberry seemed to have smaller pits. The farm did give a small container of condensed milk, so maybe they weren't as sweet?

    A few years after that, I did buy a tray from Shirokiya and it was not the same as I experienced in Japan and it was $17 for a tray of 8! Ouch!


  2. I love strawberries, but it's rare that we get sweet ones here.

  3. I know the Japanese love to eat their strawberries with condensed milk, which makes them taste like those strawberry candies Mich.

    Hope you find sweet strawberries Jalna!

    Take care you two.

  4. it is so cool to hear about new varieties of strawberries - these days there are all kinds out there.

  5. Amazing all the different varieties, Rowena, I even heard there are Japan grown kiwi, which I want to try.

    Take care.


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