Thursday, January 31, 2019


Finally finished re-pasting my photos onto the blog posts.

I think the deadline is February 5 for Flickr to reduce my 20,000-something photos to 1000.

Will need to check my blog again after the reduction happens.

AND if Google Photos decides to change how they do things, it will probably be the end for this blog...

Thanks for being patient and if I overloaded your RSS feed while updating, I'm sorry.

Also if you notice that there are links or posts not working, please let me know.

In other stuff, I'm still going to rehab, I've lessened the amount of days that I go (from 5 to 4) and it is definitely better than when I first started going.

I think it will take some time to heal...though this cold weather doesn't really help...

Anyway, as I type this we've not had rain/snow, the snow that was on Mount Fuji has started to melt...

I know there are many in States with krazy temps these days.

The world is definitely falling apart.

Be kind and be well everyone.


  1. I hope you heal up well Kat! Take care!

  2. Thanks will definitely take some time.

    Take care.


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