Wednesday, March 13, 2019

hiiragi nanten

Hiiragi Nanten (Mahonia japonica) is a plant that we have in front of our apartment building.

The yellow flowers have a fragrance that kind of remind me of orange blossoms.

I read online that the plant has thorns and looking at the leaves, they look like holly which is "hiiragi" in Japanese.

The plant in front of our building is rather short, but online I have seen them quite tall.

Do you have something similar where you live?


  1. I wonder if they are related to the nanten or nandina that people grow for good luck. Lots of Asian houses plant them in their front yard believing that when they reach roof height, they will have good luck.

  2. V, that is interesting about reaching the roof height!

    Take care.

  3. totally unfamiliar to me!

  4. Kirk, so different yeah?

    Rowena, I'm glad the internet was able to tell me what it was.

    Take care you two.


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