Tuesday, March 12, 2019

nian gao

My IG friend, @yumyumtofu shared a nian gao (Chinese New Year Mochi) recipe that her mother had given to her (thank you!)...

I finally got to try it and while it was baking I realized I forgot to add the sugar...sigh.

After posting about it on IG and FB, some readers gave me suggestions (thank you!) and in the end I drizzled it with chocolate, because chocolate can save pretty much everything.

At least it was edible and I didn't have to throw it out.

I need to buy more mochiko, but still have some coconut milk and half of the evaporated milk...hope to get around to making some muffins or something with the milks in the coming days.


  1. a good thing you could "save" it but it also looks yummy too!

  2. aw thanks Jalna!

    I'm glad I didn't have to throw it out Rowena.

    Take care you two.

  3. Lol on the Nian Gao, Kat! I was actually thinking of Chao Nian Gao.

  4. Kirk, I had to look up what you were speaking about :)

    Take care.


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