Sunday, March 31, 2019

sakura walk(s) (chidorigafuchi, nakameguro & toritsu university)

Yesterday, it was still overcast and cold.

We started out at the Chidorigafuchi moat area...walking down Daikancho-dori then crossing over to Kitanomaru Park then coming back around through the Chidorigafuchi Green Way.

There were a lot of row boats out and about.

It was so pretty to see and even though there were a lot of people, it wasn't totally packed.

We also checked out the Meguro River starting out at Ikejiri-Ohashi and walking down towards Nakameguro.

FYI: The closer you get to Nakameguro, the more crowded it will be.

It was nice to see but enjoyed the area near Ikejiri-Ohashi best.

After going home and resting a bit, we went to Toritsu University Station to check out their illumination instead of braving the crowds to see the light up of Meguro River near Nakameguro.

Apparently, this area only started lighting up their cherry blossoms last year, so it wasn't crowded.

It also started to rain while we were there.

We hope the rain will stop so we can get out and about tomorrow.


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