Monday, April 01, 2019

sakura walk(s) (sakurazaka & meguro river)

Sunday started out cloudy and cold...we went to check out Sakurazaka which was almost in full bloom.

The area near Tamagawa wasn't quite ready, so hopefully I'll be able to go sometime this week.

As dusk approached we went to check out the light up of the Meguro River.

It was pretty! (photo by Satoshi)

We stayed around the Ikejiri-Ohashi Station area because we knew the area closer to the Nakameguro Station would be krazy.

Today is the start of a new fiscal year and also a new era will be named.

The emperor will "retire" at the end of April and the Crown Prince will become the new Emperor at the start of read more about this check out the article here.

Hope to get in more sakura spots this week, hope you aren't getting sick of all these sakura posts.


  1. Not at all. Love these pictures. Really makes me wish I was there!

  2. thanks V, so hard to plan for this season though.

    Take care!

  3. sakura season is such a special time of year that there is no getting sick of them. come rain or shine, enjoy spring!

  4. I agree Rowena!

    Take care.

  5. You're really getting around Kat!


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