Tuesday, May 14, 2019

hana musubi

Every since I started making bento for Satoshi back in January, condiments to add to rice catch my eye whenever I am shopping.

I've seen this at Kaldi and finally bought some to try.

It's called go-shoku hana musubi (literally 5 color flower rice ball).

There are 5 different "colors"...carrot, green shiso (perilla), akakabu (red turnip), shibazuke (a purple pickle), aona (a type of green veg),

For one cup of cooked rice you mix in one of the 8 packets.

(When I tried this, I actually mixed in 1 packet for 1.5 cups of cooked rice)

After mixing in the packet, let it steam in the rice cooker for at least 10 minutes.

So pretty, easy and delicious! You can't really taste all the different items separately, but it is a nice way to "jazz" up your rice.


  1. it's so pretty! Anything with shisho and shibazuke taste good too! :P


  2. love it! perfect omiyage gifts for sure!

  3. so true Rowena!

    Take care.

  4. It does look delicious Kat!


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