Monday, May 13, 2019

egypt shio

I had bought this book in Osaka and wanted to find the Egypt Shio (literally Egypt salt) to try the recipes in the book.

I finally found it the other day and after looking around online, I realized this was actually dukkah.

Almonds, salt, pistachios, white sesame seeds, cumin and coriander.

I love the salty, flavorful and nutty taste of this.

One of the recipes in the book is for this toast...

Toast...butter, an oozy egg and some of this dukkah.


Now that I have the dukkah, can't wait to try more recipes from this book.

Have you tried dukkah and if so, what do you put it on?


  1. never hear of this so I looked it up. it said the nuts are usually hazelnuts which I don't like but using pistachio, or I wonder, even mac nuts instead sounds pretty good. Trader Joe's even has a blend! Hmmm, I have to get my mainland connections to look for this.
    anything with salt and nuts sounds good (except hazelnuts, bleech)

  2. Never heard or tried dukkah but it certainly looks delicious on your egg toast! I'll be on the look out for it!

  3. I know quite a few people who don't like hazelnuts too V, hopefully you can find a blend of ingredients that you like :)

    Hope you get to try dukkah Jenny :)

    Take care you two.

  4. the first time I learned of dukkah was on masterchefau (it was used as a coating for a boiled egg), but that's it and I haven't used it since. how odd to hear that some people don't like hazelnuts (I don't like brazil nuts), but then I know of some people who hate walnuts! my dogs love chestnuts 🌰🌰🌰 ^-^

  5. Thanks Kirk :)

    Jalna, different yeah?!

    Rowena, my mom didn't like walnuts or hazelnuts.

    Take care everyone!


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