Sunday, May 12, 2019


I discovered shakuyaku (chinese peony) last year when I received one for the first time from the post office.

(I thought I blogged about it but guess I didn't).

I wasn't too sure what the reason was that they were passing them out, but I was happy to receive one.

It had a spicy fragrance and was really bright pink!

About this time of year is when you see them in the flower shops.

I went to my favorite shop in the neighborhood and bought myself one.

Most flower shops sell these for 600-yen plus! for one stem!

At my favorite shop, they were only 200 yen (tax included)!

I thought it wouldn't bloom, but it turned out, really pretty and HUGE!

Do you have shakuyaku where you live?


  1. whaaa? the post office gives out flowers? interesting!
    this has got to be one of the most beautiful flowers. how long does the bloom last?

  2. it didn't last too long V, maybe 2 or 3 days after it bloomed.

    Take care!

  3. I don't see them much around here or it could be that I just never took notice. I'd love to try to grow them but I think it's a large bush-type plant?

  4. Rowena, I think you are right about it being a large bush type of plant.

    Jalna, it was :)

    Take care you two.

  5. Very pretty Kat! We don't get the cold temps we need to grow peonies around these parts; though I think folks might have hybrids

  6. Kirk, I wonder what kinds of hybrids are out there!

    Take care.


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