Monday, December 30, 2019

10 photos

I started doing this in 2008 as a meme, but now do this every year as a way to look back at the different kitchen adventures I've had over the year.

With all that happened this year, I am suprised that I cooked all that I did...

Sweet Sour Spareribs with Pineapple (juice)

It was my first time trying this recipe from my grandma's stash of recipes...I'm glad I tried it and the pork gets really tender with the pineapple juice.

Goya Namashi

Another way to use goya (bittermelon). This dish is perfect for the summer's heat.

Not Purple Shibazuke

I bought the wrong type of ume vinegar so my shibazuke didn't not turn purple-ish...still, the flavors were delicious!

Shogayaki (Pork Ginger)

It was my first time using a thicker piece of pork so mine turned out "tough", will use thinner pieces next time or cut the muscles and fat of the thicker pieces.

Ume Takikomi Gohan

This was a good way to use up leftover dashi (stock).


This was easy and kind of cooking.

Kachu-yu is a quick way to make miso soup, when you haven't made dashi (stock) beforehand.

Honey Miso Salmon An item that I put into Satoshi's bento and have made for our breakfast and dinner on occasion.

After discovering blood oranges, I was inspired by reader, Barbara H's comment and made a blood orange vinaigrette.

Purple Cabbage Namul This namul recipe was a new (to me) way of making namul, I look forward to making this again.

Hope you had a nice year in your kitchen.


  1. oooh I love ginger pork - thanks for the reminder. I am not a pork lover but this one gets me going. BTW akete omedetto gozaimasu! -N

  2. I like your goya posts, and if I can get over the price (50 cents per seed!), I may try to grow them. I know it's not that expensive, but if they don't germinate, I get all agro!

  3. You sure did a whole of cooking Kat! Even with your busy schedule! Happy New Year!

  4. Although I don't cook much, it seems like when I do, they are mostly from your posted recipes :)
    Some of my favorites: Taco rice, ume takikome gohan, mille fuille and shogayaki. I'm also planning to make kinpira with the eggplants, mushrooms and jako tonight for tomorrow's New Year's Eve dinner.
    Thank you for sharing your kitchen and dining adventures and have a great new year!

  5. Happy New Year N! hope you like the pork ginger recipe!

    Thanks Rowena, praying you are able to grow some goya!

    Thanks Kirk! Happy New Year to you too!

    Thanks V! all the best to you and your family this year!

    Take care everyone!


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