Friday, December 20, 2019

tecona bagel works

Back in October I went to Yoyogi to check out a bagel shop, but since I didn't check their website, the day that I went, they were closed....well, I finally went to check them out today.

From Shibuya it is about a 20 minute walk.

Their shop is so teeny!

Just four or five of us in there was a major congested mess! with a massive line outside.

They have 3 types of bagels....fuka (which are soft, "fluffy" types), mochi (which are chewy types) and mugyu (which are really dense types).

I picked up mostly mochi & mugyu types.

Bacon olive and basil sandwich...this was delicious with a big slather of basil cream cheese.

Chocolate nut scone...this was filled with so much nuts, seeds and chocolate (love!).

Chestnut...this had a whole chestnut in it and a cinnamon sugar topping...delicious!

Onion and cream cheese...caramelized onion and cream cheese...topped with some shredded cheese on top...mmm!

Smoked cheese and pepper...I put this one into the freezer, so I don't know how it tastes, but I am pretty sure it will be delicious!

I hope to go back after the New Year to try more items.

Oh, this shop only takes cash...they ask you to bring your own bag (or buy one of their cloth bags) and check their Instagram account for detailed days off (they sometimes have last minute closings).

Mother Nature has been slapping us around...cold one day, really warm the next....rain most days, sun very rare.

There are Christmas decorations all around, they are even playing Christmas music in the shopping arcades AND they are already advertising for ehomaki (February)!

Most people will be on vacation from the 28th, we will probably go to visit MIL, though we haven't decided what days yet.

Hope you are enjoying the Holiday season! Have a nice weekend.

Tecona Bagel Works
1-51-12 Tomigaya
Shibuya, Tokyo
Phone: 03.6416.8122
Closed Mondays and Tuesdays
Hours: 11:00-18:30 (or until sold out)
*cash only, bring your own bag
check their Instagram for detailed days off


  1. when I was first introduced to bagels, they were the dense, chewy kind. Can't really find them in Hawaii anymore. The original Hawaiian Bagel was bought out by Zippys and became larger and soft. The original family re-opened under the name This is It. Their recipe doesn't seem to be the original small, dense bagels. But seems all the bagels from the various shops are huge and soft type now. Booo.

  2. V, I used to love Hawaiian Bagel, that was the one near Halekauwila, yeah?! I used to stop there to pick up breakfast before going into Waikiki for work. Hope you can find the chewy type somewhere.

    Take care!

    1. Yes! Then zippy's bought them and changed the recipe. But since they bought the name, original owners called their re-opening This is it. Not quite as good as before, though.

  3. V, parking at the bagel place was so horrible, but their bagels were good...wonder if the recipe changed for This is It or maybe the baker did...

    Take care!

  4. Interesting selection of Bagels Kat. Hope the weather stabilizes.

  5. Thanks Kirk :) hope you have cool weather where you are!

    Take care!

  6. Those certainly don't look like bagels to me, but I'm used to nyc-style bagels from eastern european/jewish bagel places where the bagels are boiled before being baked and have a smooth but sturdy skin (almost like a fruit roll up in texture, but, of course, dough not fruit snack), as opposed to crusty. Can you describe the texture a bit more in comparison to traditional bagels, compared with rolls?

    For a brief period, I lived in Amish Country in Lancaster, PA, and the grocery stores there sold "bagels" but they were really just rolls with holes. Nonetheless, they were still delicious. Not a bagel, but to be honest, anything cut in the center with cream cheese, tomato slices, some pepper, a sprinkle of sesame seeds and this powdered lemon product sprinkled on top (I don't know if you have it there, it's freeze dried, crystallized lemon juice and oils, nothing unnatural, so delicious. They also have lime, orange and grapefruit. I use the lemon and lime on everything, in water, even in soda. If you don't have this there, I'm happy to send you some - no I don't work for them, I just love this product so much I've become evangelical about it) is delicious in my book.

    I know it's inconvenient to bring your own bag or pay for one, but I'm glad they are doing it. That's the way it works at all stores in my county (DC suburb). Whether you're getting a sandwich at subway, buying a blender at target or going to the grocery store, you have to bring bags or they charge you .10 a bag. I think this is a great thing for the environment. Especially when reading about marine and shore-dwelling wildlife that get caught in the bag holes or eat them. Now if only they could make environmentally safe 6-pack rings!!

    Happy Holidays to you and Satoshi!

  7. Louise, these bagels did not have the "skin" like nyc style bagels, but the texture of the bagels I purchased had a chew to them. A lot of bakers in Japan have trained in France so their bread types are similar to European types. Rolls here tend to be really soft almost similar to the soft hawaiian sweet bread rolls (but not sweet)...Happy Holidays!

    Take care.


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