Wednesday, January 22, 2020

sea luck

Back at the end of December, we tried this fantastic katsuo chip snack.

Well, I looked online and found their website and ordered all sorts of things.

Packets of dashi (stock), different types of furikake and the katsuo chip snack.

One type of furikake has the katsuo chip bits, dried shirasu (tiny sardines), nori cut into different shapes and tororo konbu.

Each package is triangular shaped and labeled with 8 popular views of Mount Fuji.

Hamanako (Lake Hamana), Hamamatsu, Oigawa, Yaizu, Nihondaira, Mihon no Matsubara, Fuji and cute!

The nori is cut into 20 different shapes that represent the specialty items to Shizuoka as well as some of Katsuokun's friends...(Katsuokun is the character of this brand.)

Shizuoka prefecture, Mount Fuji, mikan (tangerine), tea, wasabi, unagi (eel), strawberry, sakura ebi (Lucensosergia lucens), gyoza, sakura (cherry blossoms), castle, oden, melon, steam engine, katsuokun character, katsuochan character, magucchi character, hazesokun character, tororo konbukun character and shirasu taro character.

The katsuo chip bits are crisp and the nori shapes are fun to see.

I'm glad we ordered from them and will definitely order again when we run out of these snacks and condiments.


  1. excellent find! how cute are the nori characters and packaging. Truly great omiyage.

  2. The little shapes are so cute!

  3. Interesting find Kat! I gotta try to get some around here....

  4. V, hope you get to try this the next time you are in Japan :)

    They really are K!

    I hope you can find some where you are Kirk :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. cute packaging overload!

  6. Rowena, appropriate for the land of cute :)

    Take care!


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