Monday, March 23, 2020

13th memorial service

This weekend we went to Kyoto for FIL's 13th memorial service.

I made my own mask, which I learned about online.

It is kind of origami-ish...will post about it tomorrow.

I know masks will not totally protect you from this virus, but it is better than not having one.

Plus, MIL is 90-ish and definitely in a high risk class for this virus.

I made us some musubi with saba flakes and shibazuke for the train ride.

We got to see Mount Fuji.

I'm glad we were able to go through with the memorial service, we were worried that we would be in lockdown and that we wouldn't be able to travel to Kyoto.

This weekend was a 3-day weekend and everyone seemed to forget that the virus is still around...which is scary because there has been talk about the virus numbers exploding here.

I did receive a very disappointing comment on my previous post and while I feel everyone has a right to say what they want, I don't think they have the right to display so much anger and rudeness.

I do hope everyone is keeping positive, resting up and being kind to one another.


  1. love your mask! At this point, I think it is more important to make you conscious of touching your face than as a virus barrier.
    Glad you guys were able to go to the memorial service.

  2. Glad MIL is doing okay. My great worry is my mom also. Hang in there Kat. Love to you and Satoshi.

  3. Glad to hear all went well.

    I don't understand why people have to leave negative comments. If you don't like what you read then go somewhere else. Keep your negative comments to yourself.

    I appreciate your blog as I get to see what is happening in Japan. Love your pictures and adventures.


  4. Thank you V, I agree about not touching your face.

    Thank you Jalna, hope your mom is doing well too!

    Thank you De, I think if you are gonna make negative comments at least have the guts to put your name on it not just do it as "anonymous" :)

    Take care everyone!

  5. Hang in there! Good to know the both of you are in good health so far! This kind of stuff brings out the worst in some people; but all of us regular's here love the both of you! Take Care!

  6. Thank you Kirk, hang in there too! We love you guys too!

    Take care.

  7. Kat, can you give an idea of your numbers? the news mention absolutely nothing on what's going on in Japan except for Olympic-related updates. I heard that India and Russia are now on lockdown/partial lockdown, updates always on Spain, France and Germany and that's it.

  8. Rowena, from what I've seen the total of Japan's infected is 1299, deaths are 44. Yesterday Tokyo alone had 41 new cases that were not sure how they were infected (they were not travelling abroad or with someone who already had the virus). An expert feels the numbers are higher though.

    Hope this helps and hope Italy's numbers have started going down.

    Take care.

  9. :) thanks for the info, and since yesterday we're on an uptick right now. I can't understand that as the whole country has been on lockdown for 17 days now, but that must say something about the incubation period and how early or late(!) the symptoms can show up. MotH was worried at one point because he had a slight fever and cough; our family doc said to just stay home and report if the symptoms persisted (it didn't). I heard him on the phone a few days ago with a colleague, and sadly one of the employees at his workplace (not in his department) died from the virus. On top of that, the brother of our family doctor was taken by covid as well...fffffff***!

  10. Rowena, this virus is very puzzling as most young people that have it don't show symptoms, being "silent carriers". I hope MotH is feeling better now. Sorry to hear that someone at his workplace and the brother of your family doctor were taken by this virus. Hoping we can all get back to "normal" soon.

    Take care.


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