Friday, March 20, 2020

how are you?

How is everyone holding up?

Hope things aren't too krazy where you are.

Satoshi is still going to work, though starting next month they will have a mandatory 2 days off for the next 2 months and they will also have different start times depending on their family needs.

My daily routines haven't changed much other than I haven't been riding the trains.

I still have been going to rehab for my arm and I still go on walks to buy groceries.

We are lucky that we don't have to shelter in place like other countries are doing.

Since the weather dude said that the sakura started to bloom in Tokyo, I went to check on the sakura (cherry blossoms) yesterday near Tamagawa (Tama River) (which is walking distance), but they weren't quite ready.

Spring is coming and I hope everything will get back to normal soon.

For now though, please stay positive and be kind to one another.


  1. you stay safe!
    It is getting crazier here every moment. The statewide shutdown is supposedly imminent. I totally cannot imagine being stuck at home for 2 weeks or more. I'm not even worried about food or toilet paper, and haven't even been "hoarding," just really worried about staying home!
    When it happens, I will be taking long walks around the neighborhood. 2 or 3 times a day!

  2. being that I am always at home anyway, it's just another day while I get my 'info' from the tv. we made a list of where we want to go after the quarantine is lifted, and the first place on my list is my favorite plant nursery in Milan, then out for a big steak at a restaurant.

  3. Sounds like things are much more easy-going there than they are here.

    I have yet to venture out to stores, but I need to soon. Hopefully I can source some food and TP without getting the virus and then infecting my elderly mother who has all of the risk factors.

    The Cherry Blossom trees have reached their peak here this week, but only the people living directly in the district will get to see them.

    Stay safe!

  4. We're doing okay in our neck of the woods. Wendell is finally getting used to staying at home since all of his softball league games have been cancelled. We're well stocked with food and provisions. Mostly I'm worried about the stability of our money, but it's the case for everybody, neh? Looks like no Japan trip for me this year. And oh, my brother's tour got cancelled at the last minute. Whew, what a relief. Thanks for updating me on all the closures that was happening there.

  5. Hope all continues to be well with you, Kat!
    Reports of infection in all south bay cities near us as well our neighboring town right over the hill. We're in "stay home" rules except for necessary outings. Stores around us are low in inventory & friend texted she had to wait one hour outside to get into Trader Joe's this afternoon. We were able to shop at a nikkei store nearby on Friday thankfully to get essentials but a crazy old man behind me in line started spewing (unbelievable) obscenities about the Japanese nonstop...we all tried to ignore the psycho since we knew he was mentally unstable but it was unnerving...

    Be safe & take care...reader in sc

  6. V, after this weekend, I think we will be in lockdown soon too...

    Rowena, that is good to start thinking about what you want to do when you can get out and about.

    Louise, like I told V, I think we will be in lockdown soon too.

    Jalna, relieved that your brother did not travel, that would've been quite worrisome!

    Thank you SC, I hope more people will be kinder to each other.

    Take care everyone!

  7. We're in the "safe at home" mode here Kat. Though I'm considered essential and am going into work.


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