Tuesday, July 21, 2020

ikegami station

They have been giving our station a facelift recently...This was how it kind of looked back in 2019.
They are adding a 5 story building (I think) on top of the station.
Yesterday, they opened the station area to the public.
At some stations around Japan you will see a chalkboard, this is used to leave messages to people.

Like where to meet up and such...nowadays with everyone having a cellphone, these chalkboards are no longer around.

This one was placed at the new station just to look back at the old days.

Most stations on our train line reuse the wood that are taken from the old stations.

Looking forward to see what shops and offices will be put into the building up top.


  1. Thank you, so informative, didn't know all these things and it's so cool!
    Beautiful looking station!

  2. can't wait for you to come back so you can see the station, V :)

    Take care.

  3. hopefully the new stores or businesses will be able to move in soon Jalna :)

    Take care.

  4. your train stations look waaaaaaay better than the ones in Italy, that's for sure. ours is dirty scary.

  5. Love the train stations in Japan Kat. They are always so clean and things are usually set-up so efficiently.

  6. Rowena, hopefully our station will be kept up nicely :)

    Kirk, they are usually set up efficiently, will be interesting to see what happens.

    Take care you two.


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