Wednesday, July 22, 2020

go to campaign

Once again Japan's government has come up with "brilliant" ideas to waste more taxpayer monies in order to what they think will "fire up" the economy...

Go To Travel...Go To Eat...Go To Event are three different venues in which the government is looking to get the economy moving.

The travel idea was originally set to begin at the beginning of August or was it September? with COVID-19 under control.

Well, our numbers are nowhere near being under control.

So what does the government do? Bring the start date up to today, July 22...WT?!

On top of that, all residents of Tokyo are not eligible to participate because Tokyo's numbers are the highest in Japan, as if everyone in Tokyo is infected....aren’t they using Tokyo taxpayers’ monies too?!

There are several weird/unfair parts of this campaign that have popped up in the past couple of is that since Tokyo is not eligible to participate, people from other prefectures are not allowed to visit Tokyo and receive discounts for their travel/sighseeing in Tokyo...

Another is that they are asking groups of young people, groups of elderly people and groups other than school groups to refrain from, isn't that everyone?! so who is supposed to travel with this campaign?!

While I know that everyone wants to get back to "normal", I personally feel that we should feel safe while traveling and be able to "enjoy" ourselves instead of worrying about aerosol germs, if we are asymptomatic and such.

To me, it would make more sense if they spent the 1.7 trillion yen on medical needs (like getting all of us tested) instead of travel...

Was hoping someone with common sense would step up instead of wasting the taxpayers monies on this, but it looks like the government doesn’t want to lose face by canceling “this event” and is going ahead with this ridiculous plan.


  1. thanks for a good chuckle this sounds quite like our situation! government wants us to travel in Italy to boost the economy (families with incomes under 40K/year supposedly got a bonus!), but too many people getting sloppy/lazy and not wearing their masks. we had planned to get away for a few days, but after thinking about it, just didn't feel safe and cancelled. I would rather lay low these days cause with my father-in-law doing badly in health, I wouldn't want either of us being asymptomatic and passing the virus on to him.

    our home country is something else....geez.

  2. These situations are nothing compared to the craziness that is happening here Kat....

  3. yeah, we were thinking to travel around Tokyo, but ditched the idea because of the rain and because our numbers have been rising everyday, and what is up with the non-mask wearers in the US?! Sending good thoughts to your FIL, Rowena.

    oh em gee Kirk, I have been watching it on CNN...

    Take care you two.


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