Friday, July 24, 2020

sports day

Today is Sports Day and would have been the start of the 2020 Summer Olympics. 

At the rate Japan is going, I don't know that we will be able to hold the Olympics next summer....

Hope everyone is doing well, have a nice and safe weekend.


  1. oh no....really? we're not getting much news regarding anything in Japan these days, least of all the summer olympics.

  2. ditto here Rowena, I've been looking at the Google COVID map every so often to check on different numbers in various countries.

    Take care.

  3. Such a bummer Kat. Due to the fact that I'm responsible for tracking Covid-19 and analytics; I've been keeping on top of what is going on in the US, but not so much's enough of a mess here.

  4. must be interesting to track Kirk and yet krazy too...stay safe!

    Take care.


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